Change is inevitable. They only thing we can control is how we learn and react to it. With the usage of the Rhinoceros digital modeling tool, I have displayed the phases a system goes through when restructuring itself after change. This is known as morphogenesis.

Line work drawing based on morphogenesis, which is a system’s ability to restructure itself after a change or interruption to its form has occurred. Darken nodes are points of connection that allow the reconstruction to commence.
The first three sequences the structure goes through. It is first pulled together to create a system, which forms a strong and compact structure. The structure is then susceptible to interruption and impact. The final stages show the system breaking apart as the interruption passes through. The structure then reforms itself into something stronger now that it knows how to deal with that change, which is why the interruption is still present in the system; it serves as a memory. The deeper green becomes present because the system is more resilient and able to withstand more change in the future.
The folding and intersections of the forms, along with the merging of colors are representative of the structure restructuring itself into something more connected and stronger than it once was. I used the operation of lofting curved geometries together to achieve this look and feel. The use of wire frame, excavations, and shadows are added to give the structure a sense of depth and itinerary that allows the eye to move through spaces.